Package 'missMethods'

Title: Methods for Missing Data
Description: Supply functions for the creation and handling of missing data as well as tools to evaluate missing data methods. Nearly all possibilities of generating missing data discussed by Santos et al. (2019) <doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891360> and some additional are implemented. Functions are supplied to compare parameter estimates and imputed values to true values to evaluate missing data methods. Evaluations of these types are done, for example, by Cetin-Berber et al. (2019) <doi:10.1177/0013164418805532> and Kim et al. (2005) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bth499>.
Authors: Tobias Rockel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tobias Rockel <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4.0
Built: 2025-02-12 06:02:05 UTC

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Apply a function for imputation


Apply a function for imputation over rows, columns or combinations of both


  FUN = mean,
  type = "columnwise",
  convert_tibble = TRUE,



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


The function to be applied for imputation.


A string specifying the values used for imputation; one of: "columnwise", "rowwise", "total", "Two-Way" or "Winer" (see details).


If ds is a tibble, should it be converted (see section A note for tibble users).


Further arguments passed to FUN.


The functionality of apply_imputation is inspired by the apply function. The function applies a function FUN to impute the missing values in ds. FUN must be a function, which takes a vector as input and returns exactly one value. The argument type is comparable to apply's MARGIN argument. It specifies the values that are used for the calculation of the imputation values. For example, type = "columnwise" and FUN = mean will impute the mean of the observed values in a column for all missing values in this column. In contrast, type = "rowwise" and FUN = mean will impute the mean of the observed values in a row for all missing values in this row.

List of all implemented types:

  • "columnwise" (the default): imputes column by column; all observed values of a column are given to FUN and the returned value is used as the imputation value for all missing values of the column.

  • "rowwise": imputes row by row; all observed values of a row are given to FUN and the returned value is used as the imputation value for all missing values of the row.

  • "total": All observed values of ds are given to FUN and the returned value is used as the imputation value for all missing values of ds.

  • "Winer": The mean value from "columnwise" and "rowwise" is used as the imputation value.

  • "Two-Way": The sum of the values from "columnwise" and "rowwise" minus "total" is used as the imputation value.

If no value can be given to FUN (for example, if no value in a column is observed and type = "columnwise"), then a warning will be issued and no value will be imputed in the corresponding column or row.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.

A note for tibble users

If you use tibbles and convert_tibble is TRUE the tibble is first converted to a data frame, then imputed and converted back. If convert_tibble is FALSE no conversion is done. However, depending on the tibble and the package version of tibble you use, imputation may not be possible and some errors will be thrown.


Beland, S., Pichette, F., & Jolani, S. (2016). Impact on Cronbach's α\alpha of simple treatment methods for missing data. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(1), 57-73.

See Also

A convenient interface exists for common cases like mean imputation: impute_mean, impute_median, impute_mode. All these functions call apply_imputation.


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)
ds_imp_app <- apply_imputation(ds_mis, FUN = mean, type = "total")
# the same result can be achieved via impute_mean():
ds_imp_mean <- impute_mean(ds_mis, type = "total")
all.equal(ds_imp_app, ds_imp_mean)

Count the number of NAs


Count the number of NA values in a vector, matrix or data frame


count_NA(x, type = "default")



a vector, matrix or data frame, in which NA values are counted


How to count the NA values. Possible choices:

  • "default": If x is a matrix or a data frame, the number of missing values per column is returned. If x is something else, the total number of missing values in x is returned.

  • "all": The number of all missing values in x is returned.

  • "cols": The number of missing values per column is returned.

  • "rows": The number of missing values per row is returned.


The number of missing values.


count_NA(c(1, NA, 3, NA, 5, NA))
test_df <- data.frame(X1 = rep(c(1, NA), 5), X2 = c(1:9, NA))
count_NA(test_df, "cols") # the default
count_NA(test_df, "rows")
count_NA(test_df, "all")

Create MAR values using MAR1:x


Create missing at random (MAR) values using MAR1:x in a data frame or a matrix


  cutoff_fun = median,
  prop = 0.5,
  use_lpSolve = TRUE,
  ordered_as_unordered = FALSE,
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  x_stochastic = FALSE,
  add_realized_x = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


A vector of column names or indices of columns, which controls the creation of missing values in cols_mis. Must be of the same length as cols_mis.


Numeric with length one (0 < x < Inf); odds are 1 to x for the probability of a value to be missing in group 1 against the probability of a value to be missing in group 2 (see details).


Function that calculates the cutoff values in the cols_ctrl.


Numeric of length one; (minimum) proportion of rows in group 1 (only used for unordered factors).


Logical; should lpSolve be used for the determination of groups, if cols_ctrl[i] is an unordered factor.


Logical; should ordered factors be treated as unordered factors.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Logical; should the odds be stochastic or deterministic.


Logical; if TRUE the realized odds for cols_mis will be returned (as attribute).


Further arguments passed to cutoff_fun.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use cols_ctrl instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


This function creates missing at random (MAR) values in the columns specified by the argument cols_mis. The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i]. The position of the missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_ctrl[i]. The following procedure is applied for each pair of cols_ctrl[i] and cols_mis[i] to determine the positions of missing values:

At first, the rows of ds are divided into two groups. Therefore, the cutoff_fun calculates a cutoff value for cols_ctrl[i] (via cutoff_fun(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], ...)). The group 1 consists of the rows, whose values in cols_ctrl[i] are below the calculated cutoff value. If the so defined group 1 is empty, the rows that have a value equal to the cutoff value will be added to this group (otherwise, these rows will belong to group 2). The group 2 consists of the remaining rows, which are not part of group 1. Now the probabilities for the rows in the two groups are set in the way that the odds are 1:x against a missing value in cols_mis[i] for the rows in group 1 compared to the rows in group 2. That means, the probability for a value to be missing in group 1 divided by the probability for a value to be missing in group 2 equals 1 divided by x. For example, for two equal sized groups 1 and 2, ideally the number of NAs in group 1 divided by the number of NAs in group 2 should equal 1 divided by x. But there are some restrictions, which can lead to some deviations from the odds 1:x (see below).

If x_stochastic and n_mis_stochastic are false (the default), then exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) values will be set NA in column cols_mis[i]. To achieve this, it is possible that the true odds differ from 1:x. The number of observations that are deleted in group 1 and group 2 are chosen to minimize the absolute difference between the realized odds and 1:x. Furthermore, if round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) == 0, then no missing value will be created in cols_mis[i].

If x_stochastic is true, the rows from the two groups will get sampling weights proportional to 1 (group 1) and x (group 2). If n_mis_stochastic is false, these weights are given to sample via the argument prob and exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) values will be set NA. If n_mis_stochastic is true, the sampling weights will be scaled and compared to uniform random numbers. The scaling is done in such a way to get expected nrow(ds) * p[i] missing values in cols_mis[i].

If p is high and x is too high or too low, it is possible that the odds 1:x and the proportion of missing values p cannot be realized together. For example, if p[i] = 0.9, then a maximum of x = 1.25 is possible (assuming that exactly 50 % of the values are below and 50 % of the values are above the cutoff value in cols_ctrl[i]). If a combination of p and x that cannot be realized together is given to delete_MAR_1_to_x, then a warning will be generated and x will be adjusted in such a way that p can be realized as given to the function. The warning can be silenced by setting the option missMethods.warn.too.high.p to false.

The argument add_realized_x controls whether the x of the realized odds are added to the return value or not. If add_realized_x = TRUE, then the realized x values for all cols_mis will be added as an attribute to the returned object. For x_stochastic = TRUE these realized x will differ from the given x most of the time and will change if the function is rerun without setting a seed. For x_stochastic = FALSE, it is also possible that the realized odds differ (see above). However, the realized odds will be constant over multiple runs.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.

Treatment of factors

If ds[, cols_ctrl[i]] is an unordered factor, then the concept of a cutoff value is not meaningful and cannot be applied. Instead, a combinations of the levels of the unordered factor is searched that

  • guarantees at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1

  • minimize the difference between prop and the proportion of rows in group 1.

This can be seen as a binary search problem, which is solved by the solver from the package lpSolve, if use_lpSolve = TRUE. If use_lpSolve = FALSE, a very simple heuristic is applied. The heuristic only guarantees that at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1. The choice use_lpSolve = FALSE is not recommend and should only be considered, if the solver of lpSolve fails.

If ordered_as_unordered = TRUE, then ordered factors will be treated like unordered factors and the same binary search problem will be solved for both types of factors. If ordered_as_unordered = FALSE (the default), then ordered factors will be grouped via cutoff_fun as described in Details.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MAR: delete_MAR_censoring(), delete_MAR_one_group(), delete_MAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y", 3)
# beware of small datasets and x_stochastic = FALSE
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 3, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 4, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 5, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 7, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
# p = 0.4 and 20 values -> 8 missing values, possible combinations:
# either 6 above 2 below (x = 3) or
# 7 above and 1 below (x = 7)
# Too high combination of p and x:
tryCatch(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.9, "X", "Y", 3), warning = function(w) w)

Create MAR values using a censoring mechanism


Create missing at random (MAR) values using a censoring mechanism in a data frame or a matrix


  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  where = "lower",
  sorting = TRUE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


A vector of column names or indices of columns, which controls the creation of missing values in cols_mis. Must be of the same length as cols_mis.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Controls where missing values are created; one of "lower", "upper" or "both" (see details).


Logical; should sorting be used or a quantile as a threshold.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use cols_ctrl instead.


This function creates missing at random (MAR) values in the columns specified by the argument cols_mis. The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i]. The position of the missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_ctrl[i]. The following procedure is applied for each pair of cols_ctrl[i] and cols_mis[i] to determine the positions of missing values:

The default behavior (sorting = TRUE) of this function is to first sort the column cols_ctrl[i]. Then missing values in cols_mis[i] are created in the rows with the round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) smallest values. This censors approximately the proportion of p[i] rows of smallest values in cols_ctrl[i] in cols_mis[i]. Hence, the name of the function.

If where = "upper", instead of the rows with the smallest values, the rows with the highest values will be selected. For where = "both", the one half of the round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) rows with missing values will be the rows with the smallest values and the other half will be the rows with the highest values. So the censoring rows are dived to the highest and smallest values of cols_ctrl[i]. For odd round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) one more value is set NA among the smallest values.

If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE and sorting = TRUE the procedure is lightly altered. In this case, at first the floor(nrow(ds) * p[i]) rows with the smallest values (where = "lower") are set NA. If nrow(ds) * p[i] > floor(nrow(ds) * p[i]), the row with the next greater value will be set NA with a probability to get expected nrow(ds) * p[i] missing values. For where = "upper" this "random" missing value will be the next smallest. For where = "both" this "random" missing value will be the next greatest of the smallest values.

If sorting = FALSE, the rows of ds will not be sorted. Instead, a quantile will be calculated (using quantile). If where = "lower", the quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], p[i]) will be calculated and all rows with values in ds[, cols_ctrl[i]] below this quantile will have missing values in cols_mis[i]. For where = "upper", the quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], 1 - p[i]) will be calculated and all rows with values above this quantile will have missing values. For where = "both", the quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], p[i] / 2) and quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], 1 - p[i] / 2) will be calculated. All rows with values in cols_ctrl[i] below the first quantile or above the second quantile will have missing values in cols_mis[i].

For sorting = FALSE only n_mis_stochastic = FALSE is implemented at the moment.

The option sorting = TRUE with n_mis_stochastic = FALSE will always create exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) missing values in cols_mis[i]. With n_mis_stochastic = TRUE) sorting will result in floor(nrow(ds) * p[i]) or ceiling(nrow(ds) * p[i]) missing values in cols_mis[i]. For sorting = FALSE, the number of missing values will normally be close to nrow(ds) * p[i]. But for cols_ctrl with many duplicates the choice sorting = FALSE can be problematic, because of the calculation of quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], p[i]) and setting values NA below this threshold (see examples). So, in most cases sorting = TRUE is recommended.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MAR: delete_MAR_1_to_x(), delete_MAR_one_group(), delete_MAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MAR_censoring(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y")
# many dupplicated values can be problematic for sorting = FALSE:
ds_many_dup <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 10)))
delete_MAR_censoring(ds_many_dup, 0.2, "X", "Y") # 4 NAs as expected
quantile(ds_many_dup$Y, 0.2) # 0
# No value is BELOW 0 in ds_many_dup$Y, so no missing values will be created:
delete_MAR_censoring(ds_many_dup, 0.2, "X", "Y", sorting = FALSE) # No NA!

Create MAR values by deleting values in one of two groups


Create missing at random (MAR) values by deleting values in one of two groups in a data frame or a matrix


  cutoff_fun = median,
  prop = 0.5,
  use_lpSolve = TRUE,
  ordered_as_unordered = FALSE,
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


A vector of column names or indices of columns, which controls the creation of missing values in cols_mis. Must be of the same length as cols_mis.


Function that calculates the cutoff values in the cols_ctrl.


Numeric of length one; (minimum) proportion of rows in group 1 (only used for unordered factors).


Logical; should lpSolve be used for the determination of groups, if cols_ctrl[i] is an unordered factor.


Logical; should ordered factors be treated as unordered factors.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Further arguments passed to cutoff_fun.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use cols_ctrl instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


This function creates missing at random (MAR) values in the columns specified by the argument cols_mis. The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i]. The position of the missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_ctrl[i]. The following procedure is applied for each pair of cols_ctrl[i] and cols_mis[i] to determine the positions of missing values:

At first, the rows of ds are divided into two groups. Therefore, the cutoff_fun calculates a cutoff value for cols_ctrl[i] (via cutoff_fun(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], ...). The group 1 consists of the rows, whose values in cols_ctrl[i] are below the calculated cutoff value. If the so defined group 1 is empty, the rows that are equal to the cutoff value will be added to this group (otherwise, these rows will belong to group 2). The group 2 consists of the remaining rows, which are not part of group 1. Now one of these two groups is chosen randomly. In the chosen group, values are deleted in cols_mis[i]. In the other group, no missing values will be created in cols_mis[i].

If p is too high, it is possible that a group contains not enough objects to reach nrow(ds) * p missing values. In this case, p is reduced to the maximum possible value (given the (random) group with missing data) and a warning is given. Obviously this case will occur regularly, if p > 0.5. Therefore, this function should normally not be called with p > 0.5. However, this can occur for smaller values of p, too (depending on the grouping). The warning can be silenced by setting the option missMethods.warn.too.high.p to false.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.

Treatment of factors

If ds[, cols_ctrl[i]] is an unordered factor, then the concept of a cutoff value is not meaningful and cannot be applied. Instead, a combinations of the levels of the unordered factor is searched that

  • guarantees at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1

  • minimize the difference between prop and the proportion of rows in group 1.

This can be seen as a binary search problem, which is solved by the solver from the package lpSolve, if use_lpSolve = TRUE. If use_lpSolve = FALSE, a very simple heuristic is applied. The heuristic only guarantees that at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1. The choice use_lpSolve = FALSE is not recommend and should only be considered, if the solver of lpSolve fails.

If ordered_as_unordered = TRUE, then ordered factors will be treated like unordered factors and the same binary search problem will be solved for both types of factors. If ordered_as_unordered = FALSE (the default), then ordered factors will be grouped via cutoff_fun as described in Details.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MAR: delete_MAR_1_to_x(), delete_MAR_censoring(), delete_MAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MAR_one_group(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y")

Create MAR values using a ranking mechanism


Create missing at random (MAR) values using a ranking mechanism in a data frame or a matrix


  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  ties.method = "average",



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


A vector of column names or indices of columns, which controls the creation of missing values in cols_mis. Must be of the same length as cols_mis.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


How ties are handled. Passed to rank.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use cols_ctrl instead.


This function creates missing at random (MAR) values in the columns specified by the argument cols_mis. The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i]. The position of the missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_ctrl[i]. The following procedure is applied for each pair of cols_ctrl[i] and cols_mis[i] to determine the positions of missing values:

At first, the probability for a value to be missing is calculated. This probability for a missing value in a row of cols_mis[i] is proportional to the rank of the value in cols_ctrl[i] in the same row. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE these probabilities are given to the prob argument of sample. If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, they are scaled to sum up to nrow(ds) * p[i]. Then for each probability a uniformly distributed random number is generated. If this random number is less than the probability, the value in cols_mis[i] is set NA.

The ranks are calculated via rank. The argument ties.method is directly passed to this function. Possible choices for ties.method are documented in rank.

For high values of p it is mathematically not possible to get probabilities proportional to the ranks. In this case, a warning is given. This warning can be silenced by setting the option missMethods.warn.too.high.p to false.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also

rank, delete_MNAR_rank

Other functions to create MAR: delete_MAR_1_to_x(), delete_MAR_censoring(), delete_MAR_one_group()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MAR_rank(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y")

Create MCAR values


Create missing completely at random (MCAR) values in a data frame or a matrix


  cols_mis = seq_len(ncol(ds)),
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  p_overall = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Logical; see details.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


This function creates missing completely at random (MCAR) values in the dataset ds. The proportion of missing values is specified with p. The columns in which missing values are created can be set via cols_mis. If cols_mis is not specified, then missing values are created in all columns of ds.

The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i].

If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE and p_overall = FALSE (the default), then exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) values will be set NA in column cols_mis[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE and p_overall = TRUE, then p must be of length one and exactly round(nrow(ds) * p * length(cols_mis)) values will be set NA (over all columns in cols_mis). This can result in a proportion of missing values in every miss_col unequal to p, but the proportion of missing values in all columns together will be close to p.

If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, then each value in column cols_mis[i] has probability p[i] to be missing (independently of all other values). Therefore, the number of missing values in cols_mis[i] is a random variable with a binomial distribution B(nrow(ds), p[i]). This can (and will most of the time) lead to more or less missing values than round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) in column cols_mis[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, then the argument p_overall is ignored because it is superfluous.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)

Create MNAR values using MNAR1:x


Create missing not at random (MNAR) values using MNAR1:x in a data frame or a matrix


  cutoff_fun = median,
  prop = 0.5,
  use_lpSolve = TRUE,
  ordered_as_unordered = FALSE,
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  x_stochastic = FALSE,
  add_realized_x = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


Numeric with length one (0 < x < Inf); odds are 1 to x for the probability of a value to be missing in group 1 against the probability of a value to be missing in group 2 (see details).


Function that calculates the cutoff values in the cols_ctrl.


Numeric of length one; (minimum) proportion of rows in group 1 (only used for unordered factors).


Logical; should lpSolve be used for the determination of groups, if cols_ctrl[i] is an unordered factor.


Logical; should ordered factors be treated as unordered factors.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Logical; should the odds be stochastic or deterministic.


Logical; if TRUE the realized odds for cols_mis will be returned (as attribute).


Further arguments passed to cutoff_fun.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


The functions delete_MNAR_1_to_x and delete_MAR_1_to_x are sisters. The only difference between these two functions is the column that controls the generation of missing values. In delete_MAR_1_to_x a separate column cols_ctrl[i] controls the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i]. In contrast, in delete_MNAR_1_to_x the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_mis[i] itself. All other aspects are identical for both functions. Therefore, further details can be found in delete_MAR_1_to_x.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MNAR: delete_MNAR_censoring(), delete_MNAR_one_group(), delete_MNAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MNAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.2, "X", x = 3)

Create MNAR values using a censoring mechanism


Create missing not at random (MNAR) values using a censoring mechanism in a data frame or a matrix


  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  where = "lower",
  sorting = TRUE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Controls where missing values are created; one of "lower", "upper" or "both" (see details).


Logical; should sorting be used or a quantile as a threshold.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


The functions delete_MNAR_censoring and delete_MAR_censoring are sisters. The only difference between these two functions is the column that controls the generation of missing values. In delete_MAR_censoring a separate column cols_ctrl[i] controls the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i]. In contrast, in delete_MNAR_censoring the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_mis[i] itself. All other aspects are identical for both functions. Therefore, further details can be found in delete_MAR_censoring.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MNAR: delete_MNAR_1_to_x(), delete_MNAR_one_group(), delete_MNAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MNAR_censoring(ds, 0.2, "X")

Create MNAR values by deleting values in one of two groups


Create missing not at random (MNAR) values by deleting values in one of two groups in a data frame or a matrix


  cutoff_fun = median,
  prop = 0.5,
  use_lpSolve = TRUE,
  ordered_as_unordered = FALSE,
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


Function that calculates the cutoff values in the cols_ctrl.


Numeric of length one; (minimum) proportion of rows in group 1 (only used for unordered factors).


Logical; should lpSolve be used for the determination of groups, if cols_ctrl[i] is an unordered factor.


Logical; should ordered factors be treated as unordered factors.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Further arguments passed to cutoff_fun.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


The functions delete_MNAR_one_group and delete_MAR_one_group are sisters. The only difference between these two functions is the column that controls the generation of missing values. In delete_MAR_one_group a separate column cols_ctrl[i] controls the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i]. In contrast, in delete_MNAR_one_group the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_mis[i] itself. All other aspects are identical for both functions. Therefore, further details can be found in delete_MAR_one_group.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MNAR: delete_MNAR_1_to_x(), delete_MNAR_censoring(), delete_MNAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MNAR_one_group(ds, 0.2, "X")

Create MNAR values using a ranking mechanism


Create missing not at random (MNAR) values using a ranking mechanism in a data frame or a matrix


  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  ties.method = "average",



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


How ties are handled. Passed to rank.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


The functions delete_MNAR_rank and delete_MAR_rank are sisters. The only difference between these two functions is the column that controls the generation of missing values. In delete_MAR_rank a separate column cols_ctrl[i] controls the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i]. In contrast, in delete_MNAR_rank the generation of missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_mis[i] itself. All other aspects are identical for both functions. Therefore, further details can be found in delete_MAR_rank.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MNAR: delete_MNAR_1_to_x(), delete_MNAR_censoring(), delete_MNAR_one_group()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MNAR_rank(ds, 0.2, "X")

Evaluate estimated parameters after imputation


Compares estimated parameters after imputation to true parameters or estimates based on the original dataset


  ds_orig = NULL,
  pars_true = NULL,
  parameter = "mean",
  criterion = "RMSE",
  cols_which = seq_len(ncol(ds_imp)),
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),



A data frame or matrix with imputed values.


A data frame or matrix with original (true) values.


True parameters, normally a vector or a matrix.


A string specifying the estimated parameters for comparison.


A string specifying the used criterion for comparing the imputed and original values.


Indices or names of columns used for evaluation.


Numeric, only used for criterion = "precision": numeric differences smaller than tolerance are treated as zero/equal.


Further arguments passed to the function for parameter estimation.


Deprecated, renamed to ds_imp.


Deprecated, renamed to pars_true.


Deprecated, renamed to cols_which.


Either ds_orig or pars_true must be supplied and the other one must be NULL (default: both are NULL, just supply one, see examples). The following parameters are implemented: "mean", "median", "var", "sd", "quantile", "cov", "cov_only", cor", "cor_only". Some details follow:

  • "var", "cov" and "cov_only": For "var" only the variances of the columns (the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix) are compared. For "cov" the whole covariance matrix is compared. For "cov_only" only the upper triangle (excluding the diagonal) of the covariance matrix is compared.

  • "cor", "cor_only": For "cor" the whole correlation matrix is compared. For "cor_only" only the upper triangle (excluding the diagonal) of the correlation matrix is compared.

  • "quantile": the quantiles can be set via the additional argument probs (see examples). Otherwise, the default quantiles from quantile will be used.

The argument cols_which allows the selection of columns for comparison (see examples). If pars_true is used, it is assumed that only relevant parameters are supplied (see examples).

Possible choices for the argument criterion are documented in evaluate_imputed_values


A numeric vector of length one.


Cetin-Berber, D. D., Sari, H. I., & Huggins-Manley, A. C. (2019). Imputation Methods to Deal With Missing Responses in Computerized Adaptive Multistage Testing. Educational and psychological measurement, 79(3), 495-511.

See Also

Other evaluation functions: evaluate_imputed_values(), evaluate_parameters()


# only ds_orig known
ds_orig <- data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = 101:101)
ds_imp <- impute_mean(delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.4))
evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, ds_orig = ds_orig)

# true parameters known
ds_orig <- data.frame(X = rnorm(100), Y = rnorm(100, mean = 10))
ds_imp <- impute_mean(delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.3))
evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, pars_true = c(0, 10), parameter = "mean")
evaluate_imputation_parameters(ds_imp, pars_true = c(1, 1), parameter = "var")

# set quantiles
  pars_true = c(qnorm(0.3), qnorm(0.3, mean = 10)),
  parameter = "quantile", probs = 0.3

# compare only column Y
  pars_true = c(Y = 10), parameter = "mean",
  cols_which = "Y"

Evaluate imputed values


Compare imputed to true values


  criterion = "RMSE",
  M = NULL,
  cols_which = seq_len(ncol(ds_imp)),
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),



A data frame or matrix with imputed values.


A data frame or matrix with original (true) values.


A string specifying the used criterion for comparing the imputed and original values.


NULL (the default) or a missing data indicator matrix. The missing data indicator matrix is normally created via, where ds_mis is the dataset after deleting values from ds_orig.


Indices or names of columns used for evaluation.


Numeric, only used for criterion = "precision": numeric differences smaller than tolerance are treated as zero/equal.


Deprecated, renamed to ds_imp.


Deprecated, renamed to ds_orig.


Deprecated, renamed to cols_which.


The following criterions are implemented to compare the imputed values to the true values:

  • "RMSE" (the default): The Root Mean Squared Error between the imputed and true values

  • "bias": The mean difference between the imputed and the true values

  • "cor": The correlation between the imputed and true values

  • "MAE": The Mean Absolute Error between the imputed and true values

  • "MSE": The Mean Squared Error between the imputed and true values

  • "NRMSE_col_mean": For every column the RMSE divided by the mean of the true values is calculated. Then these columnwise values are squared and averaged. Finally, the square root of this average is returned.

  • "NRMSE_col_mean_sq": For every column the RMSE divided by the square root of the mean of the squared true values is calculated. Then these columnwise values are squared and averaged. Finally, the square root of this average is returned.

  • "NRMSE_col_sd": For every column the RMSE divided by the standard deviation of all true values is calculated. Then these columnwise values are squared and averaged. Finally, the square root of this average is returned.

  • "NRMSE_tot_mean": RMSE divided by the mean of all true values

  • "NRMSE_tot_mean_sq": RMSE divided by the square root of the mean of all squared true values

  • "NRMSE_tot_sd": RMSE divided by the standard deviation of all true values

  • "nr_equal": number of imputed values that are equal to the true values

  • "nr_NA": number of values in ds_imp that are NA (not imputed)

  • "precision": proportion of imputed values that are equal to the true values

Additionally there are relative versions of bias and MAE implemented. In the relative versions, the differences are divided by the absolute values of the true values. These relative versions can be selected via "bias_rel" and "MAE_rel". The "NRMSE_tot_" and "NRMSE_col_" are equal, if the columnwise normalization values are equal to the total normalization value (see examples).

The argument cols_which allows the selection of columns for comparison (see examples).

If M = NULL (the default), then all values of ds_imp and ds_orig will be used for the calculation of the evaluation criterion. If a missing data indicator matrix is given via M, only the truly imputed values (values that are marked as missing via M) will be used for the calculation. If you want to provide M, M must be a logical matrix of the same dimensions as ds_orig and missing values must be coded as TRUE. This is the standard behavior, if you use on a dataset with missing values to generate M (see examples). It is possible to combine M and cols_which.


A numeric vector of length one.


Kim, H., Golub, G. H., & Park, H. (2005). Missing value estimation for DNA microarray gene expression data: local least squares imputation. Bioinformatics, 21(2), 187-198.

See Also

Other evaluation functions: evaluate_imputation_parameters(), evaluate_parameters()


ds_orig <- data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = 101:110)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.3)
ds_imp <- impute_mean(ds_mis)
# compare all values from ds_orig and ds_imp
evaluate_imputed_values(ds_imp, ds_orig)
# compare only the imputed values
M <-
evaluate_imputed_values(ds_imp, ds_orig, M = M)
# compare only the imputed values in column X
evaluate_imputed_values(ds_imp, ds_orig, M = M, cols_which = "X")

# NRMSE_tot_mean and NRMSE_col_mean are equal, if columnwise means are equal
ds_orig <- data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = 10:1)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds_orig, 0.3)
ds_imp <- impute_mean(ds_mis)
evaluate_imputed_values(ds_imp, ds_orig, "NRMSE_tot_mean")
evaluate_imputed_values(ds_imp, ds_orig, "NRMSE_col_mean")

Evaluate estimated parameters


Compare estimated parameters to true parameters


  criterion = "RMSE",
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),



A vector or matrix of estimated parameters.


True parameters, normally a vector or a matrix.


A string specifying the used criterion for comparing the imputed and original values.


Numeric, only used for criterion = "precision": numeric differences smaller than tolerance are treated as zero/equal.


Deprecated, renamed to pars_est.


Deprecated, renamed to pars_true.


The same criterions are implemented for evaluate_parameters and evaluate_imputed_values. The possible choices are documented in evaluate_imputed_values.


A numeric vector of length one.


Cetin-Berber, D. D., Sari, H. I., & Huggins-Manley, A. C. (2019). Imputation Methods to Deal With Missing Responses in Computerized Adaptive Multistage Testing. Educational and psychological measurement, 79(3), 495-511.

See Also

Other evaluation functions: evaluate_imputation_parameters(), evaluate_imputed_values()


evaluate_parameters(1:4, 2:5, "RMSE")

EM imputation


Impute missing values in a data frame or a matrix using parameters estimated via EM


  stochastic = TRUE,
  maxits = 1000,
  criterion = 1e-04,
  verbose = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Logical; see details.


Maximum number of iterations for the EM, passed to norm::em.norm().


If maximum relative difference in parameter estimates is below this threshold, the EM algorithm stops. Argument is directly passed to norm::em.norm().


Should messages be given for special cases (see details)?


At first parameters are estimated via norm::em.norm(). Then these parameters are used in regression like models to impute the missing values. If stochachstic = FALSE, the expected values (given the observed values and the estimated parameters via EM) are imputed for the missing values of an object. If stochastic = TRUE, residuals from a multivariate normal distribution are added to these expected values.

If all values in a row are NA or the required part of the covariance matrix for the calculation of the expected values is not invertible, parts of the estimated mean vector will be imputed. If stochastic = TRUE, residuals will be added to these values. If verbose = TRUE, a message will be given for these rows.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.

The number of EM iterations are added as an attribute (iterations).

See Also


ds_orig <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 7))
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds_orig, p = 0.2)
ds_imp <- impute_EM(ds_mis, stochastic = FALSE)

Impute expected values


Impute the missing values with expected values given the observed values and estimated parameters assuming a multivariate normal distribution


  stochastic = FALSE,
  M =,
  verbose = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Vector of means for the variables.


Covariance matrix of the variables.


Logical, should residuals be added to the expected values.


Missing data indicator matrix.


Should messages be given for special cases (see details)?


Normally, this function is called by other imputation function and should not be called directly. The function imputes the missing values assuming a multivariate normal distribution. This is equivalent to imputing the least squares estimate of the missing values in some kind of way.

If no values is observed in a row or a relevant submatrix of the covariance matrix (S_22) is not invertible, the missing values are imputed with (parts of) mu (plus a residuum, if stochastich = TRUE). If verbose = TRUE, these cases will be listed in a message. Otherwise, they will be imputed silently.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


ds_orig <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 2))
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds_orig, p = 0.2)
# impute using true parameters:
ds_imp <- impute_expected_values(ds_mis, mu = c(0, 0), diag(1, 2))

Hot deck imputation in imputation classes


Impute missing values in a data frame or a matrix using a hot deck within imputation classes


  type = "cols_seq",
  breaks = Inf,
  use_quantiles = FALSE,
  min_objs_in_class = 1,
  min_obs_comp = 0,
  min_obs_per_col = 1,
  donor_limit = Inf,
  add_imputation_classes = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Columns that are used for constructing the imputation classes.


The type of hot deck (for details, see impute_sRHD()).


Number of intervals / levels a column is broken into (see cut(), which is used internally for cutting numeric columns). If breaks = Inf (the default), every unique value of a column can be in a separate class (if no other restrictions apply).


Should quantiles be used for cutting numeric vectors? Normally, cut() divides the range of an vector into equal spaced intervals. If use_quantiles = TRUE, the classes will be of roughly equal content.


Minimum number of objects (rows) in an imputation class.


Minimum number of completely observed objects (rows) in an imputation class.


Minimum number of observed values in every column of an imputation class.


Minimum odds between incomplete and complete values in a column, if type = cols_seq. If type = sim_comp, minimum odds between incomplete and complete rows. For type = sim_part the donor limit option is not implemented and donor_limit should be Inf.


Should imputation classes be added as attributes to the imputed dataset?


This function is a combination of impute_in_classes() and impute_sRHD(). It applies impute_sRHD() inside of imputation classes (adjustment cells), which are constructed via impute_in_classes(). More details can be found in these two functions.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Andridge, R.R. and Little, R.J.A. (2010), A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non-response. International Statistical Review, 78: 40-64. doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x

See Also

impute_in_classes(), which is used for the construction of the imputation classes.

impute_sRHD(), which is used for the imputation.


  X = c(rep("A", 10), rep("B", 10)),
  Y = c(rep(NA, 5), 106:120)
donor_limit = 1

Impute in classes


Apply an imputation function inside imputation classes


  breaks = Inf,
  use_quantiles = FALSE,
  min_objs_in_class = 1,
  min_obs_comp = 0,
  min_obs_per_col = 1,
  donor_limit = Inf,
  dl_type = "cols_seq",
  add_imputation_classes = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Columns that are used for constructing the imputation classes.


An imputation function that is applied to impute the missing values.


Number of intervals / levels a column is broken into (see cut(), which is used internally for cutting numeric columns). If breaks = Inf (the default), every unique value of a column can be in a separate class (if no other restrictions apply).


Should quantiles be used for cutting numeric vectors? Normally, cut() divides the range of an vector into equal spaced intervals. If use_quantiles = TRUE, the classes will be of roughly equal content.


Minimum number of objects (rows) in an imputation class.


Minimum number of completely observed objects (rows) in an imputation class.


Minimum number of observed values in every column of an imputation class.


Minimum odds between incomplete and complete values in a column, if dl_type = cols_seq. If dl_type = sim_comp, minimum odds between incomplete and complete rows.


See donor_limit.


Should imputation classes be added as attributes to the imputed dataset?


Arguments passed to FUN.


Imputation classes (sometimes also called adjustment cells) are build using cross-validation of all cols_class. The classes are collapsed, if they do not satisfy all of the criteria defined by min_objs_in_class, min_obs_comp, min_obs_per_col and donor_limit. Collapsing starts from the last value of cols_class. Internally, a mixture of collapsing and early stopping is used for the construction of the classes.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Andridge, R.R. and Little, R.J.A. (2010), A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non-response. International Statistical Review, 78: 40-64. doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x


# Mean imputation in classes
impute_in_classes(data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = c(NA, 12:15)), "X",
  min_obs_per_col = 2



Perform LSimpute_adaptive as described by Bo et al. (2004)


  k = 10,
  eps = 1e-06,
  min_common_obs = 5,
  r_max_min = 100,
  p_mis_sim = 0.05,
  warn_r_max = FALSE,
  verbose_gene = FALSE,
  verbose_array = FALSE,
  verbose_gene_p = FALSE,
  verbose_array_p = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Minimum number of nearest genes used for imputation. The default value (100) corresponds to the choice of Bo et al. (2004).


Percentage of observed values that are set NA to estimate the mixing coefficient p. The default value (0.05) corresponds to the choice of Bo et al. (2004).


Should a warning be given, if r_max_min is set too high?


Should impute_LS_gene() be verbose?


Should impute_LS_array() be verbose?


Should impute_LS_gene() be verbose while estimating p?


Should impute_LS_array() be verbose while estimating p?


This function performs LSimpute_adaptive as described by Bo et al. (2004).The function assumes that the genes are the rows of ds.

LSimpute_adaptive combines imputation values from impute_LS_gene() and impute_LS_array() using a local (adaptive) approach for the mixing coefficient p.

If the dataset is too small or has too many missing values, there are some fallback systems implemented. First, if ncol(ds) <= min_common_obs (normally, this should not the case!), values are imputed through impute_LS_array(). Second, r_max_min is automatically adjusted, if it is too high. In this case, a warning will be given, if warn_r_max = TRUE. Third, if there are not enough observed values in a row (less than min_common_obs), the calculation of the mixing coefficient is not possible and missing values of these rows are imputed with the values from impute_LS_array().

The amount of feedback given from impute_LS_gene() and impute_LS_array() is controlled via verbose_gene, verbose_array, verbose_gene_p and verbose_array_p. The last two control the amount of feedback while estimating p and the first two the amount of feedback during the estimation of the values that are mixed with p. Internally, the imputed dataset from impute_LS_gene() is passed on to impute_LS_array(). Therefore, all messages from impute_LS_gene() are truly from impute_LS_gene() and not a part of impute_LS_array(), which never calls impute_LS_gene() in this case. Furthermore, all messages from impute_expected_values() belong to impute_LS_array().


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Bo, T. H., Dysvik, B., & Jonassen, I. (2004). LSimpute: accurate estimation of missing values in microarray data with least squares methods. Nucleic acids research, 32(3), e34

See Also

Other LSimpute functions: impute_LS_array(), impute_LS_combined(), impute_LS_gene()


ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 10)), 0.1)
ds_imp <- impute_LS_adaptive(ds_mis)



Perform LSimpute_array as described by Bo et al. (2004)


  k = 10,
  eps = 1e-06,
  min_common_obs = 5,
  ds_impute_LS_gene = NULL,
  verbose_gene = FALSE,
  verbose_expected_values = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Result of imputing ds with ds_impute_LS_gene(), if this already exists (see details).


Should impute_LS_gene() be verbose?


Should impute_expected_values() be verbose?


This function performs LSimpute_array as described by Bo et al. (2004).The function assumes that the genes are the rows of ds.

The mean vector and covariance matrix for the imputation in LSimpute_array is based on a imputed dataset from LSimpute_gene. This dataset can be supplied directly via ds_impute_LS_gene or will automatically be created with impute_LS_gene() (if ds_impute_LS_gene is NULL). The imputation values are the expected values given the estimated parameters and the observed values. They are calculated via impute_expected_values(). The amount of feedback from these two functions is controlled via verbose_gene and verbose_expected_values. The values of these two arguments are passed on to the argument verbose from impute_LS_gene() and impute_expected_values().


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Bo, T. H., Dysvik, B., & Jonassen, I. (2004). LSimpute: accurate estimation of missing values in microarray data with least squares methods. Nucleic acids research, 32(3), e34

See Also

Other LSimpute functions: impute_LS_adaptive(), impute_LS_combined(), impute_LS_gene()


ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 10)), 0.1)
ds_imp <- impute_LS_array(ds_mis)



Perform LSimpute_combined as described by Bo et al. (2004)


  k = 10,
  eps = 1e-06,
  min_common_obs = 5,
  p_mis_sim = 0.05,
  verbose_gene = FALSE,
  verbose_array = FALSE,
  verbose_gene_p = FALSE,
  verbose_array_p = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Directly passed to impute_LS_gene().


Percentage of observed values that are set NA to estimate the mixing coefficient p. The default value (0.05) corresponds to the choice of Bo et al. (2004).


Should impute_LS_gene() be verbose?


Should impute_LS_array() be verbose?


Should impute_LS_gene() be verbose while estimating p?


Should impute_LS_array() be verbose while estimating p?


This function performs LSimpute_combined as described by Bo et al. (2004).The function assumes that the genes are the rows of ds.

LSimpute_combined combines imputation values from impute_LS_gene() and impute_LS_array() using a global approach for the mixing coefficient p. The amount of feedback given from these underlying functions is controlled via ⁠verbose_gene, verbose_array, verbose_gene_p, verbose_array_p⁠. The last two control the amount of feedback while estimating p and the first two the amount of feedback during the estimation of the values that are mixed with p. Internally, the imputed dataset from impute_LS_gene() is passed on to impute_LS_array(). Therefore, all messages from impute_LS_gene() are truly from impute_LS_gene() and not a part of impute_LS_array(), which never calls impute_LS_gene() in this case. Furthermore, all messages from impute_expected_values() belong to impute_LS_array().


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Bo, T. H., Dysvik, B., & Jonassen, I. (2004). LSimpute: accurate estimation of missing values in microarray data with least squares methods. Nucleic acids research, 32(3), e34

See Also

Other LSimpute functions: impute_LS_adaptive(), impute_LS_array(), impute_LS_gene()


ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 10)), 0.1)
ds_imp <- impute_LS_combined(ds_mis)



Perform LSimpute_gene as described by Bo et al. (2004)


  k = 10,
  eps = 1e-06,
  min_common_obs = 5,
  return_r_max = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


Number of most correlated genes used for the imputation of a gene.


Used in the calculation of the weights (Bo et al. (2004) used eps = 1e-6).


A row can only take part in the imputation of another row, if both rows share at least min_common_obs columns with no missing values.


Logical; normally, this should be FALSE. TRUE is used inside of impute_LS_adaptive() to speed up some computations.


Should messages be given for special cases (see details)?


This function performs LSimpute_gene as described by Bo et al. (2004).The function assumes that the genes are the rows of ds.

Bo et al. (2004) seem to have chosen min_common_obs = 5. However, they did not document this behavior. This value emerged from inspecting imputation results from the original jar-file, which is provided by Bo et al. (2004).

If there are less than min_common_obs observed values in a row and at least one observed value, the mean of the observed row values is imputed. If no value is observed in a row, the observed column means are imputed for the missing row values. This is the only known difference between this function and the original one from Bo et al. (2004). The original function would not impute such a row and return a dataset with missing values in this row. There is one more case that needs a special treatment: If no suitable row can be found to impute a row, the mean of the observed values is imputed, too. If verbose = TRUE, a message will be given for the encountered instances of the described special cases. If verbose = FALSE, the function will deal with theses cases silently.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.

If return_r_max = TRUE, a list with the imputed dataset and r_max.


Bo, T. H., Dysvik, B., & Jonassen, I. (2004). LSimpute: accurate estimation of missing values in microarray data with least squares methods. Nucleic acids research, 32(3), e34

See Also

Other LSimpute functions: impute_LS_adaptive(), impute_LS_array(), impute_LS_combined()


ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, rep(0, 10)), 0.1)
ds_imp <- impute_LS_gene(ds_mis)

Mean imputation


Impute an observed mean for the missing values


impute_mean(ds, type = "columnwise", convert_tibble = TRUE)



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


A string specifying the values used for imputation; one of: "columnwise", "rowwise", "total", "Two-Way" or "Winer" (see details).


If ds is a tibble, should it be converted (see section A note for tibble users).


For every missing value the mean of some observed values is imputed. The observed values to be used are specified via type. For example, type = "columnwise" (the default) imputes the mean of the observed values in a column for all missing values in the column. This is normally meant, if someone speaks of "imputing the mean" or "mean imputation".

Other options for type are: "rowwise", "total", "Winer" and "Two-way". The option "rowwise" imputes all missing values in a row with the mean of the observed values in the same row. "total" will impute every missing value with the mean of all observed values in ds. "Winer" imputes the mean of the rowwise and columnwise mean. Beland et al. (2016) called this method "Winer" and they attributed the method to Winer (1971). "Two-way" imputes the sum of rowwise and columnwise mean minus the total mean. This method was suggested by D.B Rubin to Bernaards & Sijtsma, K. (2000).


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.

A note for tibble users

If you use tibbles and convert_tibble is TRUE the tibble is first converted to a data frame, then imputed and converted back. If convert_tibble is FALSE no conversion is done. However, depending on the tibble and the package version of tibble you use, imputation may not be possible and some errors will be thrown.


Beland, S., Pichette, F., & Jolani, S. (2016). Impact on Cronbach's α\alpha of simple treatment methods for missing data. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(1), 57-73.

Bernaards, C. A., & Sijtsma, K. (2000). Influence of imputation and EM methods on factor analysis when item nonresponse in questionnaire data is nonignorable. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 35(3), 321-364.

Winer, B. J. (1971). Statistical principles in experimental design (2ed ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill

See Also

apply_imputation the workhorse for this function.

Other location parameter imputation functions: impute_median(), impute_mode()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)
ds_imp <- impute_mean(ds_mis)
# completely observed columns can be of any type:
ds_mis_char <- cbind(ds_mis, letters[1:20])
ds_imp_char <- impute_mean(ds_mis_char)

Median imputation


Impute an observed median value for every missing value


  type = "columnwise",
  ordered_low = FALSE,
  convert_tibble = TRUE



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


A string specifying the values used for imputation; one of: "columnwise", "rowwise", "total", "Two-Way" or "Winer" (see details).


Logical; used for the calculation of the median from ordered factors (for details see: median.factor).


If ds is a tibble, should it be converted (see section A note for tibble users).


This function behaves exactly like impute_mean. The only difference is that it imputes a median instead of a mean. All types from impute_mean are also implemented for impute_median. They are documented in impute_mean and apply_imputation. The function median is used for the calculation of the median values for imputation.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.

A note for tibble users

If you use tibbles and convert_tibble is TRUE the tibble is first converted to a data frame, then imputed and converted back. If convert_tibble is FALSE no conversion is done. However, depending on the tibble and the package version of tibble you use, imputation may not be possible and some errors will be thrown.


Beland, S., Pichette, F., & Jolani, S. (2016). Impact on Cronbach's α\alpha of simple treatment methods for missing data. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(1), 57-73.

See Also

apply_imputation the workhorse for this function.

median, median.factor

Other location parameter imputation functions: impute_mean(), impute_mode()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = ordered(LETTERS[1:20]))
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)
ds_imp <- impute_median(ds_mis)
# completely observed columns can be of any type:
ds_mis_char <- cbind(ds_mis, letters[1:20])
ds_imp_char <- impute_median(ds_mis_char)

Mode imputation


Impute an observed mode value for every missing value


impute_mode(ds, type = "columnwise", convert_tibble = TRUE)



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


A string specifying the values used for imputation; one of: "columnwise", "rowwise", "total", "Two-Way" or "Winer" (see details).


If ds is a tibble, should it be converted (see section A note for tibble users).


This function behaves exactly like impute_mean. The only difference is that it imputes a mode instead of a mean. All types from impute_mean are also implemented for impute_mode. They are documented in impute_mean and apply_imputation.

A mode value of a vector x is a most frequent value of x. If this value is not unique, the first occurring mode value in x will be used as imputation value.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Beland, S., Pichette, F., & Jolani, S. (2016). Impact on Cronbach's α\alpha of simple treatment methods for missing data. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(1), 57-73.

See Also

apply_imputation the workhorse for this function.

Other location parameter imputation functions: impute_mean(), impute_median()


ds <- data.frame(X = c(1:12, rep(8, 8)), Y = 101:120)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)
ds_imp <- impute_mode(ds_mis)

Simple random hot deck imputation


Impute missing values in a data frame or a matrix using a simple random hot deck


impute_sRHD(ds, type = "cols_seq", donor_limit = Inf)



A data frame or matrix with missing values.


The type of hot deck; the default ("cols_seq") is a random hot deck that imputes each column separately. Other choices are "sim_comp" and "sim_part". Both impute all missing values in an object (row) simultaneously using a single donor object. The difference between the two types is the choice of objects that can act as donors. "sim_comp:" only completely observed objects can be donors. "sim_part": all objects that have no missing values in the missing parts of a recipient can be donors.


Numeric of length one or "min"; how many times an object can be a donor. Default is Inf (no restriction).


There are three types of simple random hot decks implemented. They can be selected via type:

  • "cols_seq" (the default): Each variable (column) is handled separately. If an object (row) has a missing value in a variable (column), then one of the observed values in the same variable is chosen randomly and the missing value is replaced with this chosen value. This is done for all missing values.

  • "sim_comp": All missing variables (columns) of an object are imputed together ("simultaneous"). For every object with missing values (such an object is called a recipient in hot deck terms), one complete object is chosen randomly and all missing values of the recipient are imputed with the values from the complete object. A complete object used for imputation is called a donor.

  • "sim_part": All missing variables (columns) of an object are imputed together ("simultaneous"). For every object with missing values (recipient) one donor is chosen. The donor must have observed values in all the variables that are missing in the recipient. The donor is allowed to have unobserved values in the non-missing parts of the recipient. So, in contrast to "sim_comp", the donor can be partly incomplete.

The parameter donor_limit controls how often an object can be a donor. This parameter is only implemented for types "cols_seq" and "sim_comp". If type = "sim_part" and donor_limit is not Inf, then an error will be thrown. For "sim_comp" the default value (Inf) allows every object to be a donor for an infinite number of times (there is no restriction on the times an object can be a donor). If a numeric value less than Inf is chosen, then every object can be a donor at most donor_limit times. For example donor_limit = 1 ensures that every object donates at most one time. If there are only few complete objects and donor_limit is set too low, then an imputation might not be possible with the chosen donor_limit. In this case, the donor_limit will be adjusted (see examples). Setting donor_limit = "min" chooses automatically the minimum value for donor_limit that allows imputation of all missing values. For type = "cols_seq" the donor limit is applied for every column separately.


An object of the same class as ds with imputed missing values.


Andridge, R. R., & Little, R. J. (2010). A review of hot deck imputation for survey non-response. International statistical review, 78(1), 40-64.


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
ds_mis <- delete_MCAR(ds, 0.2)
ds_imp <- impute_sRHD(ds_mis)

# Warning: donor limit to low
ds_mis_one_donor <- ds
ds_mis_one_donor[1:19, "X"] <- NA
impute_sRHD(ds_mis_one_donor, donor_limit = 3)

Median for ordered factors


Compute the median of an ordered factor


## S3 method for class 'factor'
median(x, na.rm = FALSE, ordered_low = FALSE, ...)



An ordered factor (for unordered factors an error will be thrown).


Logical; should NA be removed before computation?


Logical; only used if the length of x is even and the two middle values are unequal (see details).


Not used in this function.


Currently, the median for an ordered factor is not implemented in base R. This function is a remedy for this. It allows the computation of “a median” for ordered factors (see below) and overwrites the error message for unordered factors from median.default (hence, the function name is median.factor and not median.ordered).

If the length of x is odd, then the median will be the middle value of the sorted list of elements from x. If the length of x is even and the two middle values of the sorted list of elements from x are equal, then the median is one of these (equal) middle values. The only problematic case is an even length x with unequal middle values. In this case, the median of a numeric vector is normally defined as the mean of the two middle values. However, for ordered factors the mean is not defined. The argument ordered_low cures this problem. If ordered_low = FALSE (the default), then the larger of the two middle values is returned (this value is called ‘hi-median’ in mad). If ordered_low = TRUE, then the smaller of the two middle values is returned (this value is called ‘low-median’ in mad).


a length-one factor


ord_factor_odd <- ordered(letters[1:5])
median(ord_factor_odd) # calls median.factor, if package is loaded

# If only base R is loaded, median.default will be called
# and will throw an error:
tryCatch(median.default(ord_factor_odd), error = function(e) e)

ord_factor_even <- ordered(letters[1:4])
median(ord_factor_even, ordered_low = FALSE)
median(ord_factor_even, ordered_low = TRUE)